Esperem que et siguin d’utilitat els diferents FCE Writing Tips que estem escrivint en el nostre blog. Avui volem explicar-te en com escriure un email o carta informal a l’examen del First Certificate. Com ja et vàrem explicar amb anterioritat, a la segona part del Writing hauràs de triar entre tres de les següents opcions: un article, un email o carta, un report o una review.

Els punts principals que has de saber sobre com escriure un email o carta informal són:

  • Nombre de paraules: entre 140 i 190.
  • Tasca: escriure un email a algú a qui coneixes bé.
  • Objectiu: donar una notícia, demanar o donar informació, felicitar a algú, donar consells o fer preguntes.
  • To: Informal. En els emails informals solem sonar entusiasmats, interessats i solem realitzar moltes preguntes.
  • Assumpte: Es tractarà d’un tema general i no necessites adquirir coneixement específic.

  • An English-speaking friend is visiting your country this summer. Give him some advice about where to go, how to travel and what cities to visit. You must also invite him to stay with you during your stay.
  • Could you tell me a bit about yourself and your family? Could you suggest how we might meet sometime in the future?
  • We need to organise a surprise birthday party for John. What kind of party shall we organise? Who do you think we should invite? What food and drink should we provide?
  • I’ll be coming to see you in the summer. Can you tell me something about the place where you live and what I should bring with me?
  • I need to improve my health. Can you give me some advice on exercises or activities I could do? What else should I do to get fit.

Et donarem uns consells principals que has de tenir en compte sobre com escriure un email en el First Certificate:

  • El propòsit principal de l’email dependrà de cada tasca però se sol demanar que proporcionis informació o donis consell a un amic.
  • Encara que en un email o carta informal l’estructura de les frases sol ser simple, no et relaxis en la teva gramàtica i vocabulari! Per a obtenir una puntuació alta hauràs d’utilitzar condicionals, reported speech, past perfect
  • Utilitza un estil informal (per exemple, contraccions, phrasal verbs, signes d’exclamació, question tags, expressions col·loquials…). Dirigeix-te directament al lector en segona persona (youyour) i, si pot ser, utilitza el sentit de l’humor i explica anècdotes.
  • Hi ha moltes similituds amb una conversa així que en un email o carta informal pots escriure com penses. Per exemple: By the way, Anyway, Well, As I was saying…
  • Un error freqüent que comenten els estudiants és l’ús d’un llenguatge molt formal.

FCE Writing Tips: Estructura de l’email o carta

Triar escriure l’email o carta en el First Certificate és una bona idea ja que l’estructura és molt simple. Aprèn-te les fórmules d’obertura i tancament i respon, en els paràgrafs, a la tasca que et demanen.

  1. Salutació. Comença amb un “Dear” o “Hi” seguit del nombre de la persona a la que escrivim.
  2. Paràgraf 1. Introductori. Comença amb una salutació i fes esment a l’email o carta a la que dones resposta. Introdueix el tema pel que escrius.
  3. Paràgraf 2. Respon a la pregunta principal: donar una notícia, donar o rebre un consell.
  4. Paràgraf 3. Hauràs d’escriure un altre paràgraf per a respondre a la segona pregunta de la tasca.
  5. Paràgraf de tancament. Resumeix la idea principal i fes referència a un futur contacte.
  6. Comiat. A una nova línia, acomiada’t amb: Love, Lots of love, All the best, Take care, Best wishes…  i acaba afegint el teu nom a una nova línia.

FCE Writing Tips: Analitzem paràgraf a paràgraf sobre com escriure un email o carta


Saluda al teu amic i fes referència a la informació clau de la carta o email al qual estàs responent.


  • How are you? / How are you doing? / How are things?
  • I hope you and your family are well.
  • Thanks for your email. It was great to hear from you again.
  • It was good to hear from you after so long!
  • I was surprised to hear that…
  • I’m sorry I haven’t been in touch for a while. I’ve been really busy.
  • Great news about you coming to Barcelona! I can’t wait to see you…
  • I’m glad to hear that your exams went well. / Congratulations on passing your driving test.
  • Sorry to hear that you hadn’t been well. I hope you are feeling better now.


En aquests paràgrafs, has de donar resposta a les preguntes plantejades en la tasca. Et proporcionem algunes frases perquè puguis estructurar les teves respostes.


Making suggestions and giving information

  • First of all, there are two incredible places you have to visit…
  • Why don’t you go on a sailing trip? / How about taking the train to…?
  • You can’t leave Barcelona without eating a paella on the seafront.
  • I’m sure you will enjoy strolling around the Gothic Quarter.
  • If you like, we can meet up in the afternoon…
  • Don’t forget to put the Sagrada Familia on your list
  • Remember to bring your walking shoes because…

Requesting information

  • I’m writing to ask you do me a special favour…
  • I was wondering if I could ask for your help.
  • I hope you don’t mind me asking, but I need your advice.
  • Giving advice
  • If I were you, I’d take light and warmer clothes…
  • You should remember that Barcelona is in the North East of Spain and it can get cold at nights.
  • I have a few pieces of advice which could be handy.
  • Regarding mosquitoes, you’d better bring a net and some repellent!

Giving news

  • Listen, did I tell you that …?
  • I want to let you know that …
  • I thought you might be interested to hear about / know that …
  • By the way, have you heard about / did you know that …?


  • By the way, if you’d like to come and stay with me, you’re very welcome.
  • We’re having a surprise party for John next Friday. Do you think you can come?
  • I was wondering if you’d like to come on holiday with us with year.
  • Thank you very much for your invitation. I’d love to come.
  • Thank you for asking me to stay with you this summer. I’m afraid I won’t be able to


Acaba el teu email o carta amb aquests 3 passos

  1. Aporta una raó per la qual acabes l’email o carta.
  2. Resumeix el punt principal del nostre email.
  3. Proposar un pla de pròxim contacte.


Pas 1

  • Well, I guess I’d better get back to studying / to my work.
  • Anyway, I must dash now. My dog really needs to go for a walk!

Pas 2

  • Don’t forget to confirm if you can come to the party.
  • Once again, thanks for all your advice. I really appreciate it.
  • I wish you lots of luck with your exams / interview / driving test…
  • So, as I’ve said, remember to come and stay with us when you come to Barcelona.

Pas 3

  • We must try to meet up soon.
  • I look forward to seeing you in the summer. It’s going to be fantastic!
  • Give my love to your family.
  • Drop me a line soon with your news.
  • I’ll write to you again soon with more news.
  • I can’t wait to hear from you. Send me an email with your reply or give me a ring.

Esperem que et sigui d’utilitat i et desitgem tota la sort en el teu examen del First Certificate. No dubtis a visitar la nostra secció del blog amb consells sobre els exàmens de Cambridge.