Parlar per telèfon en anglès durant la teva jornada laboral, pot ser un risc si no tens molt clar el que has de dir o el que t’estan comunicant. Per això és molt important tenir clares les expressions en anglès que s’han d’utilitzar i entendre el seu significat.

Cada vegada es realitzen més converses telefòniques a nivell internacional, especialment si estàs treballant a una multinacional. Ja sigui en forma de “call” per Skype, Hangouts de Google o mitjançant una trucada tradicional. Comunicar-nos en anglès a la feina és, ara més que mai, una realitat.

Després d’aquestes línies, hem preparat la continuació de les expressions en anglès que has de conèixer per comunicar-te en anglès a la feina sense problemes:

Taking notes – Prendre nota

  • “Let me write that down.”
  • “I’ll just make a note. / I’ll note that down.”
  • “I’ll just get a pen and some paper. Okay, go ahead please.”

Clarifying information – Aclarir informació

  • “Could you say it again/ one more time (more slowly), please?”
  • “Could you speak (a little) slower, please?”
  • “Did you mean… or…? I didn’t (quite) catch what you said there.”
  • “Sorry, I still don’t get it.”
  • “Can you explain what KPI means? I haven’t come across the term… before.”

Ending telephone conversations – Finalitzar una conversa telefònica

  • “Right, I have to get going I’m afraid.”
  • “Well, I’d better make a move. It’s been nice talking to you…”
  • “OK. I won’t keep you any longer.”
  • “Thank you for your call / Thanks (for calling).”
  • “It was great/nice speaking to you.”
  • “Is there anything else I can help you with? …Okay, thanks for calling.”

What to say if there’s are technical problems – Què dir si hi ha problemes tècnics

  • “Maybe if we hang up and try again it will sort out the problem.”
  • “I’ve been trying to get through all day but there’s always a busy signal.”
  • “There’s a lot of background noise / the line’s bad today. I’ll send you an email instead and we can speak tomorrow.”
  • “I think we were cut off.”
  • “I’m afraid I can’t hear you very well. I’ll call you back.”
  • “I’m sorry you’re breaking up a bit. I’ll call you on your home phone/desk phone.”
  • “Sorry. My phone was switched off, because the battery had died.”
  • “You’re cutting out. Can I call you on Skype?”

Resuming the conversation – Reprendre una conversa

  • “Sorry about that. You were saying that you’ve…”
  • “I apologise about that bad connection. Would you mind going over what you were saying just now?”

Si et falla la part oral per millorar el teu nivell d’anglès, pots consultar els nostres cursos de conversa. Estan enfocats a millorar la part parlada de l’idioma a través de classes pràctiques i molt dinàmiques.